Tobi Dress-Germain, J.D., Director


New York / London / Washington, D.C.

About Us

Tobi Dress-Germain, Director

Toby Dress-Germain is the former Director of Mediation Programs for the Human Rights Commission of the City of New York. She is an attorney, mediator, writer, peacebuilding specialist, international adviser, and mediation programme designer, with specializations in conflict prevention, mediation and related human security issues.

She has served as a consultant, lecturer, instructor, writer, and editor for academic institutions, United Nations agencies, and other intergovernmental organizations and NGOs, on issues including human and collective security, conflict prevention, peacebuilding, mediation, facilitation, reconciliation and co-existence, governance, civil society institution building, rule of law, communications, and creation of mediation programmes for organizations, administrative agencies and governmental departments and ministries.

She has lectured in universities, graduate programmes and law schools in the U.S., Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, and has published in national and international journals and in the academic press on conflict prevention and peacebuilding. In 2005 she was commissioned to author a Development Dossier on conflict prevention for the United Nations, Designing Peacebuilding Infrastructures: Taking a Systems Approach to the Prevention of Violent Conflict.

She is currently working on a follow-up volume, Planning for Peace: Creating an Enabling Environment for Human Security.

Our Associates

We have an extensive network of associates to call on for specialized services. Our roster of associates includes mediators, facilitators, lecturers, trainers, writers, and editors.